My personal journey
My personal awareness and reflections regarding the sacredness within the end of life began years ago when my mother’s best friend arrived at our summer house in Sweden with the books, On Death and Dying by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross and Paula by Isabel Allende. We spent days by the sea and among the pine trees discovering how love, hope and grace allow us to embrace the end of life.
As a daughter, I sat vigil with both my parents as they transitioned from this earth, my father on Thanksgiving Day and my mother a week before her 80th birthday. They were my "teachers" as they taught me how to be ever so present within the transition of death and dying in a manner that was filled with grace, compassion and reverence. They showed me how to reach lovingly towards them, how to be beside them and how to “hold” them within my heart forever as they took their last breath.
My hope is to be able to lovingly and genuinely support you to embrace the end of life in the same manner that the sunset drenches the approach of night with glorious light of life and all its colors.
With so much love,
Compassionate companion animal end of life and bereavement support
"I had a dog who loved flowers. Briskly she went through the fields, yet paused for the honeysuckle or the rose, her dark head and her wet nose touching the face of every one with its petals of silk, with its fragrance rising into the air where the bees, their bodies heavy with pollen, hovered— and easily she adored every blossom, not in the serious, careful way that we choose this blossom ... that happy in the heaven of earth— that wild, that loving.”
- Mary Oliver